Parents, staff, faculty, and friends gathered on April 7, 2021 to celebrate the Class of 2022 at their Junior Class Ring Ceremony. Held at Holy Trinity, more than 25 students and their families attended the event which celebrates the junior class as they step into the role of school leaders. A longstanding HT tradition, the Junior Class Ring Ceremony serves as a turning point for students as they enter their final year in high school and into adulthood.
Dr. Quincy Paden ‘95, Holy Trinity Principal welcomed students and guests with some words of encouragement. Br. James VanDyke, HT Social Studies teacher served as the guest speaker, offering a charge to the Class of 2022 to become fervent leaders and reminded them that the best is yet to come. After offering a blessing over the rings and other sentimental items students brought, parents were invited onstage to present rings to their student.
President Tim Bopp closed out the ceremony with congratulatory remarks and positive affirmations going forward. President Tim Bopp closed out the ceremony with congratulatory remarks and positive affirmations going forward. Unbeknownst to Dr. Paden, Mr. Bopp presented him with a replacement of his class ring, which was lost during his junior retreat in 1994.
This is an important milestone, a great marker of the distance our juniors have come since their first days here at Holy Trinity —when they were excited, and possibly terrified, freshmen, worried about fitting in and keeping up.
Class of 2022, we pray that God continues to bless you as you go forth in your journey – here at HT and in life.