As many of you and your students have experienced, Schoology has been struggling to keep up with its sudden growth in demand. Many of us have experienced significant slowdowns and even temporary outages throughout the day. Today, Schoology acknowledged these concerns and shared what they’re doing now to meet increased demand in this message. To summarize, they are increasing their monitoring, streamlining their processes, and working hard to increase their capacity to help minimize disruptions moving forward.
As Schoology works to catch up with demand, we are also working as a team to ensure HT students have the flexibility and resources they need to succeed with e-learning at home.
- The morning attendance link will go to the student’s email separately in addition to being posted on Schoology.
- Google still works. This includes email, live Google Meet sessions with teachers, Google forms and Google docs. Much of the work can be done through this.
- Counselors have been checking in with students who appear to be struggling. Your student may reach out to their counselor at any time for help or an appointment via video conference.
- We have suggested that teachers post more assignments that students can download and work on outside of Schoology. They can still upload finished work later in the day or evening when there is much less traffic on the website. There is already no penalty for work submitted at night or first thing the next morning.
- Mr. Terrasi and our tech team are monitoring the situation and they will continue to work with our providers to improve things.
We are forging new trails in unexpected ways. As with anything new, we are in a period of adjustment. We are strong enough to get through this together and we are grateful for your patience and ongoing support for both students and teachers.
Please continue to keep the members of our community who are medical staff and first responders in special prayers!
Mrs. Lynch