From the Principal

Dear HT Families,

We approach our Easter celebration this year different from all others in our experience. More than ever, it is a time for prayer, reflection, and hope as we shelter with our families. Our thoughts and prayers remain with all of you as we are each challenged in different ways by this pandemic. Those of us who are well and safely at home owe special gratitude to those who are keeping us secure and functioning–people like the healthcare workers, first responders, transportation workers, postal workers, delivery people, and grocery store employees.

The safety and health of our community is our primary concern as we pray to see an end in sight with solutions not only for us now, but for future generations. We wish all of you a safe, secure, and blessed Easter season, and offer a prayer together.


Lord God,

I give you thanks, for you are good, and your mercy is endless.
Here I stand, during this holy week,
This week in which your church remembers Jesus’ passion and death,
And I am distracted by many things.

Turn my eyes now to the One who comes in your name
The one who opens the gates of righteousness
The one who answers when we call.

I bless you, Lord, for shining your light upon me,
And for sending your son to us, in human frailty.
To walk the road we walk.

Open my eyes that I may see him coming,
And may praise him with a pure heart.
And may walk in the way of his suffering,
And share also in his resurrection.

Through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever.


Our Lady of Sorrows, Pray for Us; 
St. Joseph, Pray for Us; 
Blessed Father Moreau, Pray for Us; 
St. Brother Andre, Pray for Us. 

Enjoy this prayerful reflection on Lent and Easter from Father Jim Phalan, a priest of the Congregation of the Holy Cross: The Path to Life: Family Reflection.

E-Learning, Grades, and Student Progress

Working at a computer all day is not the first choice for most of us. However, our teachers and students continue to do an amazing job, making the best of the situation and carrying on teaching, learning and connecting. As Spring Break approaches, we encourage students who have missed work, for whatever reason, to take some time to “catch up.” Their teachers can help them prioritize the most important assignments to complete and they can do so without adding any new work for a little while. 

Teachers also need some time to catch up. They have been spending an inordinate amount of time working to make their lessons engaging and purposeful in new and different ways and to determine what skills and content are most essential to students in the future. They need to be able to catch their breath and catch up on their grading!

We will not be mailing progress reports this quarter. Instead, we ask that every parent use your parent login to check grades on Schoology at the end of next week, before students return from the break. By that time you should have a clear picture of how your student is doing. If you do not have your parent login, please contact Mr. Terrasi ( and he can help you. He is also the primary contact person for any computer/Chromebook issues. Know that any student who is consistently working, showing up for scheduled online class sessions and putting in the effort will not fail. 

Please remind your student that tutoring sessions and help are still available from the RLC in addition to their classroom teacher. Sr. Mary Ann ( is available to work with Strategies and Credit Recovery students and Ms. Nease ( continues to offer tutoring. Please encourage your students to go to them with questions as well as help with organization and time management.

Supporting Small Businesses

Do you own or work for a small business that is still operating during the Stay Home order? We want to know, so we can help promote it within the HT family! Please complete this short survey to get your organization added to our list.

Resource Page

Please continue to check the resource page on our website as we update it when new information becomes available.

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